Diagnosticpathology.eu ; Experiences 2016 – Perspectives 2017

  • Klaus Kayser Charite - Berlin


The peer reviewed open access journal diagnosticpathology.eu is embedded in a financially completely independent medical communication network of nodes which serve for different duties.
The nodes include the services of the unique Virtual International Pathology Institute (VIPI, www.diagnomx.eu/vipi), an automated image measuring system (EAMUS), an anatomy training course, and a collection of sixty rare and common lung diseases.
An atlas of ‘Natural and Synthetic Mineral Fibers affecting Man’ (including fine granulate) has been added in 2016 as well as all articles of the former ‘Electronic Journal of Pathology and Histology’, which was the first solely electronically published peer reviewed medical journal to our knowledge.
The announced collection of more than 120 rare cases including virtual slides and the original publications is in preparation, as well the atlas of ‘all known lung diseases’, a data base that covers approximately 860 different lung diseases, including available clinical, endoscopic, radiological, pathological, genetic and occupational data. These projects have left the start phase and will probably be ready in 2017.
The journal has published more than 120 original articles and the proceedings of the 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, held in Berlin, Germany, May 25 – 28, 2016. Its specific publication tools ‘publish beside the microscope’ and to submit data for ‘interactive publication’ have been used in 10 (2) cases. Both tools are unique, and cannot be found elsewhere. The preparation of virtual slides (submission of glass slides) is mandatory for publication of suitable articles.
The journal’s name diagnostic pathology seems to be attractive for some publishing companies that try to copy some issues of the real journal on diagnostic pathology (www.diagnosticpathology.eu).


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How to Cite
KAYSER, Klaus. Diagnosticpathology.eu ; Experiences 2016 – Perspectives 2017. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, dec. 2016. ISSN 2364-4893. Available at: <http://www.diagnosticpathology.eu/content/index.php/dpath/article/view/236>. Date accessed: 08 sep. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.17629/www.diagnosticpathology.eu-2016-2:236.


www.diagnosticpathology.eu, citation index, open source journal, communication network, virtual slide, automated measurement, environmental hazards.