

Amosite is a fibrous silicate mineral belonging to the amphibole group and synonymous to grunerite, which is a nonfibrous variety; for details, see under the heading asbestos, grunerite and amphiboles




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Churg A, Wright JL, Hobson J, Stevens B: Effects of cigarette smoke on the clearance of short asbestos fibres from the lung and a comparison with the clearance of long asbestos fibres. Int J Exp Pathol 73 (1992) 87-97
Gaensler EA, Jederlinic PC, Churg A: Idiopathic fibrosis in asbestos-exposed workers. Am Rev Respir Dis 144 (1991) 689-699
Kimizuka G, Shinozaki K, Hayashi Y: Comparison of the pulmonary responses to chrysotile and amosite asbestos administered intratracheally. Acta Pathol Jpn 42 (1992) 707-711
Lewis RJ: Carcinogenically active chemicals. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York (1991)
Merchant JA: Human epidemiology: a review of fiber type and characteristics in the development of malignang and nonmalignant disease. Environ Health Perspect 88 (1990) 287-293
Shishido S, Iwai K, Tukagoshi K: Incidence of ferroginous bodies in the lungs during a 45 year period and mineralogical analysis of the core fibres and uncored fibres. IARC Sci Publ 90 (1989) 229-238