

FeS. It can contain traces of Co, Ni, As, Sb, Tl, Cu, Au, Ag, or Zn.


The iron atoms are placed in the corners and the center of a cube. The sulfur molecules are placed at the mid-points of the edges and centers of the cube.

Crystallographic Constants:

5.405 5.405 5.405 90.000 90.000 90.000.

Crystal Group:




Optical Properties:

In thin sections opaque.



Powder Diagram:

1.63 2.71 2.43 2.21 (6-710).

Natural Sources:


Medical Importance:

Key Hazards:

Possibly fibrogenic and carcinogenic due to traces of silica.

Involved Organs:



Exposure may occur in mining and melting; technically, it is used in paints.


In Germany, MAK 6 mg/m3.


Crystalline silica have a fibrogenic potency, which mainly depends on the size of the particle; for details, see under the heading silica.

Lung Diseases:

All silica Varieties are possibly fibrogenic and carcinogenic; for details, see under the heading silica.

Clinical Presentation:

Usually, the symptoms have an insidious onset and include chronic cough, shortness of breath during exercise, and progressive dyspnea.


Chest radiographs display typical signs of p-type pneumoconiosis.

Lung Function:

Usually, a combination of restrictive and obstructive changes is noted.

Bronchoalveolar Lavage:

The silica particles can be analyzed in the lavage fluid; for details, see under the heading silica.



The lungs display an increased consistency, and several black to grayish circumscribed nodules of various sizes.


The nodules are composed of concentric acellular collagenous fibers which display birefringent crystals at the outer boundary. For details, see under the heading silica.


Fair, and depending upon the severity of exposure and amount and composition of inhaled silica.


Miners are especially exposed to pyrite impured by silica, and severe pneumoconiosis may develop.


search Pubmed for Pyrite

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