Submitting a new article

An article might be published in two different manners:

    1. conventional (closed) version. This is the ordinary paper publication technique.

    2. interactive (open) publication. This style of publication is offered to author who are
        willing to accept an expansion by another team in the future. These articles will be
        indicated by  an -i- or -e- (see below).

The regulations for this interactive publication technique are:

    1. The team A has to agree for further expansion of its article by a different group,
        i.e. indicate this to the editor, these articles are indicated by an -i-

    2. The expanded (second) article is subject for peer reviewing

    3. The original text should not be altered but only expanded by the -second- team B

    4. The authors of the second team B should indicate in the head line   and abstract which
        data have been added

    5. The author names of the second (expanded) article should include the names of team B
        and that of team A (team B in front of team A)

    6. Team B should indicate that the article is an interactive (second) publication, which
        will be demonstrated by an indicator -e- (for example 992-00e.html)

    7. The number of interactive iterative publication procedures is limited to two; i.e., already
        -expanded- articles cannot be expanded or interactively discussed again in the future.

The interactive publication mode might be attractive to authors who  are willing to participate and test new ideas.

Actually, the response of authors to this trial is not known to us.  In addition, we do not know whether this idea will work, or which rules have to be added (or might be omitted). No similar approach has been undertaken in the world of scientific medical publication until now to our knowledge. Therefore, we would like to encourage our readers and authors to participate in this new idea, and to let us know whether the first steps in respect to interactive publication are of real scientific value and improvement in the world of scientific information exchange.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English  and include the title, list of authors, abstract, keywords, and in consecutive order introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables, and figures (either in jpeg or gif- format). The references should be noted in the text by numbers, and are to be supplied in alphabetical order, numbered consecutively. Journal title abbreviations should follow the  practice of Index Medicus. In addition, to simplify  medline-based abstract search, name the PMID and/or UI number. This number is available at the  web site of the National Library of Medicine under



Gabius HJ (1991) Detection and Functions of Mammalian Lectins - with Emphasis on Membrane Lectins. Biochem Biophys Acta 1071:1-18

Kayser K, Hagemeyer O (1994) Natural and Synthetic Mineral Fibers Affecting Man. BI Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, Leipzig

Damjanov I, Sobrinho-Simoes M (1991) Lectin Histochemistry of Human Thyroid Tumors. In: Gabius HJ, Gabius S (eds) Lectins and Cancer, Springer, Heidelberg, New York

   The following formats are accepted:
     -   Plain text file (*.txt)
     -   Winword documents (*.doc)
     -   pdf-files (*.pdf)
     -   and, preferable, html-files (*.html)

The figures should be converted in either gif or jpeg- format

To continue submitting your new article via internet click here
