The long Tramp from Cellular Pathology to Molecular Pathology

  • Hans Guski


Background: The Charite is a well known and one of the biggest University Hospital in Germany. Its Institute of Pathology was founded in 1831, and took part in all changes and modifications of diagnostic surgical pathology. Herein, it forms the basis to describe the history and development of molecular pathology from its early beginning. The appearance of biological structures at microscopic levels forms its fundament, similar to additional tissue theories which have been derived from cellular pathology.
Theories of pathology: Theories of pathology frequently describe reaction patterns, and try to explain the relationship between disease and its visible manifestation. They have entered pathology in the 20th century. To name some of them:  theory of inflammation [Heinrich Schade 1924, [1], pathology of relations [Gustav Ricker (1924), [2], intercellular pathology [Tivadar Huzella (1937), [3].
Derivatives: The observation of principal identity of biological meaningful elements can be agglutinated to a ‘general theory of live’ and its manifestation. All of the investigated elements posses the same regularities, which are altered, destroyed or newly built by external influences such as disease, physical and psychological forces. Not all magnification levels that display with these elements are of the same significance. Already Virchow suggested that ‘smaller elements (molecules) might be responsible for changes that are visible ‘in larger elements’ (at cellular level).  The reflection on these ideas can be associated with the implementation of molecular techniques which has been developed in the 20th century and are still ongoing today. Perspectives: Thus, cellular and molecular pathology can be integrated under one umbrella. This umbrella will lead to newly man-formed structures, such as artificial DNA and gene components or functional chip implantations.


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How to Cite
GUSKI, Hans. The long Tramp from Cellular Pathology to Molecular Pathology. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, may 2017. ISSN 2364-4893. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 apr. 2024. doi: