

Zeolites are alumosilicate minerals, which have a framework structure enclosing cavities occupied by large ions and water molecules. These have a considerable freedom of movement permitting ion exchange and reversible dehydratation; compare to brewsterite, chrysocolla, clinoptolite, dachiardite, desmine, epistilbite, erionite, ferrierite, gonnardite, laumontite, mordenite, me solite, natrolite, offretite, scolezite, stilbite, thomsonite. A related mineral is analcite.


All zeolites are built by groups of silicon or aluminum atoms in a tetrahedral oxygen configuration. The tetrahedra are linked by sharing all oxygen atoms. Large cavities and channels contain the cations. These are relatively loosely bond and induce a broad variation of chemical composition. The structural differences between the members of the zeolite groups are related with the various linkages of the rings of tetrahedra.

Crystallographic Constants:

As listed under the specific headings.

Crystal Group:

As listed under the specific headings.


As listed under the specific headings.

Optical Properties:

As listed under the specific headings.


As listed under the specific headings.

Powder Diagram:

As listed under the specific headings.

Natural Sources:

Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Slov. Rep./Czec. Rep., Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Romania, the RSA, Russia, Turkey, and the USA. They are normally created in pyroclastic rocks (e.g. tuff).

Medical Importance:

Key Hazards:

Possibly Fibrogenic, possibly mutagenic, carcinogenic.

Involved Organs:

Lung, pleura.


Exposure may occur in mining; zeolites are used as adsorption agents and molecular sieving, detergents, catalysts, in cement, lightweight building block, paper industries, in wastewater treatment, water filtration, and animal litter. World production of zeolites was estimated to 300 000 tons/year. High rates of mesotheliomas (800/100 000) have been described from some villages in Turkey and are related to erionite.


mg/m3 mg/m3
Germany 6
Russia 2

Synonyms/Trade Names:

Brewsterite, Chrysocolla, Clinoptolite, Dachiardite, Desmine, Epistilbite, Erionite, Ferrierite, Gonnardite, Laumontite, Mordenite, Mesolite, Natrolite, Offretite, Scolezite, Stilbite, Thomsonite.


The general zeolite formula is: ((M+,M2+0.52)x×(SiO2)y×(H2O)z with M+: e.g. alkali metal cations, M2+: e.g. alkaline earth cations .


Zeolites can be of fibrous form and induce mesothelioma similar to asbestos . Fibrogenic effects were seen after peritoneal injection of erionite and mordenite in animal experiments (rats).

Lung Diseases:

Diffuse interstitial fibrosis, pleural effusions, pleural plaque, lung cancer and mesothelioma are known to be induced by erionite. For details, see under the heading asbestos .

Clinical Presentation:

Chronic cough and shortness of breath during physical exercise are usually the first symptoms; chest pain is often associated with pleural tumors.


Chest radiographs are often normal in patients with early changes. Others may display diffuse interstitial densities, pleural thickening, or effusion.

Lung Function:

Progressive restrictive changes or severe obstructive alterations are seen.

Bronchoalveolar Lavage:

The inhaled mineral fibers can be analyzed and quantified in the lavage fluid. Increased levels of complement C5, or altered ratio of the T4/T8 lymphocytes correspond with the activity of the fibrotic lesions.



The lungs may display an increased consistency, a thickened and fibrotic pleura, honeycombing, or circumscribed white-yellowish tumor masses. For details, see under the heading asbestos .


The fibers are birefringent and often coated with iron-protein mucopolysaccharide substances (asbestos bodies). They are usually deposited in the distant airways and can be ingested by macrophages. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis associated with scattered mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates and acellular collagenous fibers in the pleura are common findings. Benign and malignant tumors of various cell types (most frequently common lung carcinoma and mesothelioma) can develop. For details, see under the heading asbestos .


Usually poor due to serious sequelae.

Additional Diseases:

See under the heading asbestos .


Most man-made zeolites have no fibrogenic and carcinogenic potency.


search Pubmed for Zeolite

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