Home | About | Who we are | Aims and scope | Editorial policies | Open access | Peer review process | Manuscript Types | Citing articles | Article-processing charges | Indexing service | General conspectus | Ethics and consent | Research involving animals | Research involving plants | Consent for publication | Trial registration | Availability of raw data and materials
The diagnostic pathology journal (diagnosticpathology.eu) is a scientific open access medical journal that comes with innovative electronic communication and quality assurance features. In principle, it is embedded in an electronic network and not "a stand alone" journal as most if not all of its competitors.
Manuscripts dealing with all types of medical diagnosis are welcome provided they fulfil an appropriate level of medical and scientific novelty and application. Submitted articles will undergo a rigorous review process. Authors are welcome to name reviewers; however, the editorial team will add its own reviewers too.
If manuscripts are accepted for publication and include microscopic images, the submission of glass slides for virtual slide (VS) production is mandatory. A corresponding network that includes three logistic partners (Huron, Motic, Zeiss) ensures the unique opportunity to screen through the whole image, select areas of interest, and perform additional measurements, if wanted. Therefore, the reader can obtain and check information that is only provided in an "electronic environment".
All published articles that possess VS are transferred into a separate archive that will be open for education and training. The keywords of published articles are automatically connected with the search items of open access libraries such as pubmed, and articles listed in that library are available at any time.
An additional compartment of the network will be the Virtual International Pathology Institute (VIPI, www.diagnomx.eu/vipi). VIPI is designed for diagnostic support of colleagues working under different conditions and in different countries.
Authors are invited to publish diagnostic difficult cases in the section "How do I diagnose..?" Herein, predefined paragraphs permit a fast and structured submission. These articles will be automatically connected with the option of "interactive publication".
"Interactive publication" permits any reader to include her/his own data into a published article at the end of specific paragraphs. A specific reviewer panel judges these extensions, and decides about the inclusion of such an article into the diagnostic pathology journal.
The implementation of diagnostic assistants is foreseen at a later stage. This option will permit any potential author to submit an article "besides the microscope" and, in addition, build her/his own specific databank for diagnostic support in his daily routine diagnostics.
All articles published in "the diagnostic pathology journal" are cited with Diagnostic Pathology.
Disclaimer: The innovative and unique ideas and opinions expressed in diagnosticpathology.eu are subject to the users' knowledge and experience. Therefore, the journal cannot be claimed for potential failures or insufficient results. The Diagnostic Pathology Journal is in no case liable for any therapeutic or diagnostic consecutives derived from published manuscripts, advertisement or other product mentions. This includes general medical procedures as well as information about dosage, concentrations, application methods, tissue fixations, and any kind of imaging techniques. Readers are encouraged to check the appropriate medical literature and the product information and to contact the publisher or manufacturer with any questions about the features or limitations of the distributed information.
Who we are
Diagnostic pathology journal ISSN 2364-4893
DiagnomX GmbH
Büscherstrasse 50e
45731 Waltrop
Executive director: Ulrike Borkenfeld
Register court: District court Recklinghausen Trade register B 5776
Tax number: 340/5710/4318 (Local tax office Recklinghausen)
Tel.: +49-151 52493917
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The topics of our pages have been created with high diligence. However, no responsibility is taken for their correctness, completeness and actuality. We, the service provider are responsible for our own topics of these pages according to §§ 7 Abs.1 TMG and according to the general law in Germany. However, according to §§ 8 - 10 TMG we, the service provider are not committed to monitoring transferred or stored foreign information, nor to study their potential factors. Commitment to delete or disable the use of such information remains unaffected in accordance with the general German law. Potential liability can become effective only after the date when we get to know the breach. We will immediately delete these topics when knowing a concrete breach.
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Disclaimer von eRecht24, the portal to cyber law of advocate Sören Siebert.
Aims and scope
Diagnostic Pathology is a journal devoted to research in surgical and clinical pathology, immunology, and biology, with a special focus on cutting-edge approaches in diagnostic pathology and tissue-based therapy.
Diagnostic Pathology covers all aspects of surgical pathology, including classic diagnostic pathology, prognosis-related diagnosis (tumor stages, prognosis markers, such as MIB-percentage, hormone receptors, etc.), and therapy-related findings. The journal also focus on the technological aspects of pathology, including molecular biology techniques, morphometry aspects ( stereology, DNA analysis, syntactic structure analysis), communication aspects (telecommunication, virtual microscopy, virtual pathology institutions, etc.), and electronic education and quality assurance (for example interactive publication, on-line references with automated updating, etc.).
These modern technologies involve research and practical application of pathology to a large extent. Tissue-based diagnosis is the most accurate and future addressing medical discipline. In addition to "classic open access publication" Diagnostic Pathology will provide an interactive journal for molecular pathology (biology) and digital pathology (virtual pathology), and create an open case discussion platform to be used during daily diagnostic work.
Editorial policies
Submitted articles will undergo a rigorous review process. Authors are welcome to name reviewers; however, the editorial team will add its own reviewers too. If manuscripts are accepted for publication and include microscopic images, the submission of glass slides for virtual slide (VS) production is mandatory. A corresponding network that includes three logistic partners (Huron, Zeiss, Motic) ensures the unique opportunity to screen through the whole image, select areas of interest, and perform additional measurements, if wanted. Therefore, the reader can obtain and check information that is only provided in an "electronic environment". All published articles that possess VS are transferred into a separate archive that will be open for education and training.
The keywords of published articles are automatically connected with the search items of open access libraries such as pubmed, and articles listed in that library are available at any time.
Open access
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Peer review process
Manuscripts submitted to the diagnostic pathology journalwill be evaluated initially by the Section Editor-in-Chief, who may decline it, choose appropriate reviewers from the Editorial Board or from outside, or assign it to a Section Editor for review. The Section Editor will recruit at least two members of the Editorial Board to give comments, and can call upon outside experts should s/he feel the need.
Based on these reviews a recommendation will be made for rejection, revision or acceptance; the final decision lies with the Editor-in-Chief. It is expected that the review period will not exceed three weeks. Rejected works are permitted one additional round of re-submission. If the resubmitted work is declined again, the decision is final.
Authors will be able to check the progress of their manuscript through the submission system at any time by logging into the journal's submission page.
Manuscript types
The diagnostic pathology journal considers the following types of articles:
Research : reports of data from original research.
Reviews: comprehensive, authoritative, descriptions of any subject within the scope of the journal. These articles are usually written by opinion leaders that have been invited by the Editorial Board.
Book reviews : short summaries of the strengths and weaknesses of a book. They should evaluate its overall usefulness to the intended audience.
Case reports : reports of clinical cases that can be educational, describe a diagnostic or therapeutic dilemma, suggest an association, or present an important adverse reaction.
Commentaries : short, focused and opinionated articles on any subject within the scope of the journal. These articles are usually related to a contemporary issue, such as recent research findings, and are often written by opinion leaders.
Database articles : describe a new database or a substantial improvement of an existing database.
Debate articles : present an argument that is not essentially based on practical research. Debate articles can report on all aspects of the subject including sociological and ethical aspects.
How do I diagnose? : Presentation of an own interesting cases & diagnostic guide
Hypotheses : short articles presenting an untested original hypothesis backed solely by previously published results rather than any new evidence.
Interactive Publication : Addition and inclusion of own data into an existing and already published article. The original authors have to agree. The "extended" article will be subject to review and be published as a new article if all parties agree.
Letters to the Editor : these can take three forms: a substantial re-analysis of a previously published article, a substantial response to such a re-analysis from the authors of the original publication, or an article that may not cover 'standard research' but that may be relevant to readers (see also commentaries, interactive publication).
Methodology articles : present a new experimental method, test or procedure. The method described may either be completely new, or may offer a better version of an existing method.
Short reports : brief reports of data from original research.
Software articles : describe the source code for software applications, tools or algorithm implementations. Typically, an archive of the source code of the current version of the software should be included with the submitted manuscript as a supplementary file.
Study protocols : describe proposed or ongoing research, providing a detailed account of the hypothesis, rationale, and methodology of the study.
Virtual slides
Authors are requested to submit glass slides for virtual slide production to our slide scanning partners in case of relevant manuscripts. See an example of a virtual slide here. These will be administered by DiagnomX, scanned and hosted by Huron Digital Pathology, Inc, Canada, Zeiss, Germany, or Motic Medical Diagnostic Systems, China. The slides will be displayed with an easy to use viewing tool and an individual image data bank for your own use.
Citing articles in / of the diagnostic pathology journal
When referencing articles in the diagnostic pathology journal (www.diagnosticpathology.eu) you should use the same way as cite articles in a traditional journal.
A numbered output style should be used as follows:
Conventional printed articles: All authors: Title. [journal year], [volume number] : [issue] [page numbers (start - end)].
Example: von Haefen, C.,Wieder, T., Essmann, F.,Schulze-Osthoff, K., Dorken, B., Daniel, P. T., Paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in BJAB cells proceeds via a death receptor-independent, caspases-3/-8-driven mitochondrial amplification loop., Oncogene 2003, 22:15,2236-47
Articles published in open access journals: All authors: Title. Diagnostic Pathology [year], [volume number]:[article number].
Example: Borkenfeld S, Kayser K: Specificities of Electronic Publication in Medicine, Diagnostic Pathology 2015,1:2
Article-processing charges
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (EUR)
Express Review: 200.00 (EUR)
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 3 weeks.
Article Publication: 800.00 (EUR). Waivers are provided on request.
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs. Until June 30, 2015 you can publish your acticle without any cost's.
Fee's for Virtual Slides depend on the processing Company and are not included in publication fee. Waivers are provided on request.
General conspectus

The open access peer reviewed journal "The Diagnostic Pathology Journal" is based in Germany and publishes its submitted articles under the German law of privacy protection (Datenschutz), research and medical regulations. Its editor in chief is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Policy Statement on Geopolitical Intrusion on Editorial Decisions.
Submission of a manuscript to the Diagnostic Pathology Journal connotes that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that the manuscript observes the journal's policies.
Ethics and consent
Publications of research on man, human material, or human data, must declare that their performance has been been approved by an appropriate ethics committee in full agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki and the German Laws of Privacy and Research (Datenschutz), must include the name of the ethics committee and give the corresponding reference number. Reearch that has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval should describe the study details and resons why the ethics committee granted the exemption). The editor may ask for more detailed ethics information, may contact th ethics committee or reject manuscripts that do not fulfill the appropriate ethical framework. The publication of retrospective studies, which cannot fulfill the ethics approval due to various reasons, may undergo a detailed approvement of the journal's scientific advisors and the editor's discretions.
New procedures or tools in clinical research, diagnosis or treatment are subject to ehtics considerations too. Their publications must give a clear deription of their advantages and potential constraints, or investigate in confirmation / objection of the investigated methods. Case reports should include the patient’s approval or that of their parents of legal guardian for publication.
Research involving animals
Experimental research on all kinds of animals including field studies or client-owned animal investigations must fulfill the oblications of the most restrictive institutional, national (German, Tierschutzgesetze), or international guidelines (best practice of animal care), and state which ethics committee has approved its performance. Details of international animal ethics standards can be found in the Basel Declaration or in the ethical guidelines.
A statement detailing compliance with relevant guidelines of Directive 2010/63/EU in Europe and/or ethical approval (including the name of the ethics committee and the reference number where appropriate) must be stated in the manuscript as well as the reasons of exemption in appropriate cases. The Editor may reject the publication of a manusript or may contact the ethics committee for further information if animal welfare issues have been violated.
We recommend that authors should become familiar with the Convention on the Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and the IUCN Policy Statement on Research Involving Species at Risk of Extinction.
Research involving plants
All kinds of research on cultivated or wild plants must meet the most restrictive level of institutional, national (German, Naturschutzgesetze), or international guidelines, and the manuscript should state the appropriate permissions and/or licences of the study. We recommend that authors become familiar with the Convention on the Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
Public access has to be provided to voucher specimens, for example in a public herbarium or other public collections. The manuscript should display with information on the voucher specimen and its identifyer.
Consent for publication
The publication of data that include identifiable private details of individual participants (images, videos, disease history, affiliation, profession, etc.) is regulated by the German Law of Privacy (Datenschutzgesetz) and has to be released by permission of the owner, parents, or legal guardian, dependend on the age of the individuum. All information will be treated confidentially. A consent form will be send to the authors on request. Unidentifiable images, data, statistical reports without details of individuals may not require permission. The editor may decide for publication or ask for additonal information.
Trial registration
Clinical trials (research studies that prospectively assign human participants in different treatment defined cohorts) might be published in The Diagnostic Pathology Journal too. They should be registered in suitable publicly available databases in line with ICMJE guidelines.
The Diagnostic Pathology Journal supports the prospective registration of systematic reviews and encourages authors to register their systematic reviews in a suitable registry.
Availability of raw data and materials
Materials including raw data, glass slides, etc. of submitted manuscripts to the Diagnostic Pathology Journal should be freely available to any scientist or reviewer who must imply the authors owners right of data. The Diagnostic Pathology Journal focusses on innovative use of published data by the reader, such as slide navigation or automated measurements.